Tuesday 12 December 2023

Do Spices Help Against Illness?

First and foremost, spices refine the taste of food and drinks. But many are said to be able to prevent or cure illnesses.

Is that correct? Scientists have grappled with this question.

Sunday 10 December 2023

These Foods Cause Sweating

There are many different reasons why you sometimes sweat more and sometimes less. For example, while there are some foods that make you sweat less, there are also foods that can result in outright sweats.

This is because your body temperature rises when you eat food. This initiates cooling processes in the body, which results in a corresponding amount of sweat. In this respect, you can do a lot to counteract excessive sweating by simply avoiding these foods.

Thursday 7 December 2023

Why Every Body Needs Protein!

Energy supplier and important building material for the body: everyone needs protein, not just those who are active in sports.

You can find out here which specific functions protein takes on and which foods are the best sources of protein.

Sunday 3 December 2023

The 5 Most Important Micronutrients For Vegans

The number of people who follow a vegan diet has increased significantly in recent years. In 2021, according to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), 10% of all Germans were vegetarian and 2% were vegan - twice as many as the year before. In 2022, 1.58 million people said they followed the vegan diet.

There is also a significant increase in vegetarian or vegan alternatives to animal products. Daily consumption has increased from 5% in 2020 to a whopping 9% in 2022, largely driven by younger respondents.The vegan diet is considered very sustainable, environmentally conscious and healthy, which is why many people follow it.

Friday 1 December 2023

Fasting Cures At A Glance: From Buchinger To Whey Fasting

People have been fasting for many centuries. There is fasting in the Bible, the fasting month of Ramadan in Islam and numerous health trends such as therapeutic fasting, alkaline fasting and many more.

We will give you an overview of the different fasting cures and explain which cure is suitable for whom.

Monday 27 November 2023

10 reasons for a vegan lifestyle

The number of people in this country who follow a vegan diet is continually increasing. And the trend is rising. 

But why are these people vegan? The following article lists 10 reasons for a vegan lifestyle.

Saturday 4 November 2023

This Is What Happens When You Do Yoga: Some Positive Health Effects

For some, yoga is a form of exercise in the same way as strength training and running. For others, it's a way of life. What is it about yoga that makes so many people love it?

Find out what happens in your body – and your mind – when you lie in child's position or do downward dog.

Do Spices Help Against Illness?

First and foremost, spices refine the taste of food and drinks. But many are said to be able to prevent or cure illnesses. Is that correct?...