Sunday 29 October 2023

The Use Of Oils In Building Muscle

Not all fat is the same. Certain fats and oils are even essential for our body’s survival.
Oils are among the best sources of fat. They can be consumed in salads, shakes and even on their own or used for sautéing. The healthiest oils are oils that have a high Omega 3 content. It is recommended to use the following oil suppliers when preparing food:

Thursday 26 October 2023

What You Should Know About Glutamine

Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid, which means that glutamine can be produced by the body itself. Glutamine is synthesized primarily in the liver. Glutamine is also produced in the kidneys, brain and lungs. However, the body can only produce glutamine itself if other amino acids are also involved in the synthesis.

The essential amino acids such as isoleucine and valine are particularly important for this. The highest abundance of glutamine in the body is found in muscle cells. Glutamine is mainly responsible for water retention in cells. This causes the cell volume to increase during muscle training. Glutamine has a positive effect on building muscle and burning fat. Even more detailed, study-based findings about glutamine can also be found on the Internet.

Sunday 22 October 2023

A Flat Washboard Stomach Through Endurance Sports

For men and women, the six-pack is a sign of fitness, sportiness and active training. Many athletes train hard on their six-pack abs, adjust their diet and try to get more and more definition through targeted exercises.

But most people are aware that six-pack abs aren't just achieved through sit-ups and other abdominal exercises. In fact, a six-pack can also be purchased on the side. Through targeted endurance training during running, the abdominal muscles are automatically massively strengthened.

Do Spices Help Against Illness?

First and foremost, spices refine the taste of food and drinks. But many are said to be able to prevent or cure illnesses. Is that correct?...