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Health Prevention Why Is Your Health Care Important?

One of the great achievements of medicine has been the continuous increase in the life expectancy of the population. Spain is one of the countries with the highest life expectancy. However, this increase in life years is not always associated with quality of life or with our ability to take care of our healthBut, as a starting point…. what is health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of infirmity or disease. That is, health is a condition of well-being that goes beyond the absence of disease. Health is the most precious asset that people possess, since its absence prevents the achievement of any of the others. 

For this reason, it is in health care and in the prevention of diseases where all the attention and all the resources must be placed. In most cases, with simple daily efforts many conditions can be prevented. These efforts, in a short time, become a life routine that is carried out automatically without posing any difficulty. So take note of these tips and you will see how important and easy it is to take care of your health.

Tips to take care of health and prevent diseases

Being in good t depends on a multitude of factors. Sometimes there are hereditary (genetic) components that are not modifiable, but most risk factors can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Taking care of health is easy if we follow the following tips:

Healthy and balanced diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is the key when it comes to taking care of your health. Refined sugars and all those excessively sweetened products should be avoided, as well as saturated fats and trans fats. For this, it is important to effectively combine the intake of proteins fish, meat, fats oil, butter and carbohydrates fruits, vegetables, pasta, bread. Likewise, it is essential to drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day.

Good Hygiene 

It is important to wash your hands well, maintain good oral hygiene, etc. But when we talk about hygiene, it is also worth remembering the importance of postural hygiene. On a day-to-day basis, pay attention to the way you feel and the way in which you make efforts to gain weight. Use a good pillow and a good mattress; It will help maintain healthy bones and muscles.

Exercise  Regularly

Moderate exercise strengthens the heart, improves circulation, and helps eliminate toxins, among many other benefits. It is important to exercise regularly and according to age. The WHO recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise a day to avoid health problems. As daily exercise we can also understand going up the stairs or walking instead of taking other transportation. That easy!

And beware! because in the cold seasons it is especially important to do sports. The serotonin hormone feeds on sunlight, so when it decreases we must activate it in another way, for example, with physical activity. It is as important to exercise in times of less light as to wrap up properly after sweating and again avoid a sudden change in temperature.

Avoid Drug, Alcohol And Tobacco  Use 

Drugs completely disrupt our state of health, generating alterations in our body that can be very dangerous. Among its known effects we can highlight the serious neurochemical imbalances in the brain and neuronal loss. In addition, these generate a great addiction by fully affecting the brain reward system.

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause chronic diseases, as well as other important alterations in our state of health: liver disease, digestive problems, heart disease, etc. Its consumption also disrupts the ability to learn and memory. Without forgetting its important consequences in the field of mental health, being able to trigger depression and anxiety.


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