How does too much stress manifest itself?
But how does too much stress become noticeable and how can you prevent the associated symptoms? The following article will help you identify symptoms of stress and effectively relieve too much stress.
The Classic Stress Symptoms
The classic symptoms of stress include inner restlessness and a certain listlessness. Symptoms can also include sleep problems, a loss of concentration and performance, and mental exhaustion. If the stress level is increased over a longer period of time, skin problems and hair loss can also be the result.
In particular, more and more people are suffering from stress-related hair loss. This in turn affects self-confidence. But skin problems can also become a major burden for those affected.
What To Do With Too Much Stress?
In addition to high-quality skin care, attention should also be paid to detoxifying the body. When there is too much stress, the body produces excessive amounts of the
hormone cortisol. Overproduction also has negative consequences for the body and mind. With the help of an extensive detoxification, harmful substances can be eliminated from the body and the stress level can be reduced. For detoxification and subsequent regeneration, however, it is important that enough rest is available. Fasting days can also have a supportive effect. Many people feel listless and listless on these days. That's not bad and certainly normal. In the long run, however, a significant improvement in physical and mental health will be noticeable.
This also applies if we move enough. Just 20 minutes a day is enough to effectively reduce stress. At the same time, of course, physical fitness is improved, which can reduce pain, tension and other complaints. In order to be holistically healthy, the diet should also be adjusted. Sports activities can also be practiced in the fresh air.
A long walk or a slightly strenuous hike offer numerous advantages. The fresh air has a positive effect on the human psyche. Concentration and performance as well as mental health are sustainably improved. But even with physical activity, it is crucial that sufficient regeneration phases are taken into account. The body needs time and rest to regenerate and recover.
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