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Escape From Stress With Autogenic Training

With all the comforts of our modern society, however, there are also some negative aspects. This certainly includes the stress that inevitably spreads in everyday life for most people. Time pressure and too much stress are increasingly leading to health impairments ranging from slight headaches and mental stress to burnout syndrome.

But small amounts of negative stress can impair our zest for life and quality of life. Therefore, less stress is always desirable. A good way to combat stress is autogenic tra`ining.

With Autogenic Training Against Too Much Stres

It was developed by Johannes Schultz in the 1930s and has since been recognized by conventional medicine. In the conventional type of autogenic training, the exercises concentrate on achieving inner and physical calm, on relaxing the mind and muscles, and on relaxing the heartbeat and pulse. Advanced users can even influence their subconscious with autogenic training and make lasting changes in their psyche.

Fighting Too Much Stress

Autogenic training as a means of combating stress is particularly interesting when everyday stress cannot be reduced in any other way. If you are not exposed to unhealthy stress, you do not have to free yourself from it.


 Now take several deep breaths, loosen and relax all your muscled 2~, one at a time, and then focus on each muscle as if there were nothing else in the world. In the beginning, this is difficult for many people, because it is all too easy for their Thoughts  to drift away.


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