MIn This Way , Burnout Can Be Prevented In Good Time
Burnout And It's Symptoms
Stress is a major contributor to burnout. This occurs either at work or in private life and is increasingly perceived as a burden. Patients have ever higher expectations of themselves and feel bad when they cannot live up to them. Not everyone who feels stressed at times has to be followed by a breakdown.
But anyone who has already noticed insomnia, stomach aches, headaches, skin problems, nervousness, constant annoyance and constant self-doubt should think about whether there might not be an overload. Sufferers feel constantly under stress and are easily frustrated. Employees and family members are usually more aware of the impending danger than those affected themselves. Addiction problems, aggression or apathy are common consequences of burnout.
Prevent Burnout
Escalation can only be prevented if the problem is identified early enough. As soon as one admits the problem, the life situation should be radically redesigned. Goals and expectations need to be reviewed and adjusted. This is best done with professional help or with some distance from everyday life.
A vacation can work wonders. Exercise is recommended by many therapists, even though burnout sufferers see exercise as a waste of time, which is a symptom of the disease. It is important not to isolate yourself in this situation, where a possible change of job or the elimination of the stress-causing factor is being considered, but rather to seek contact and conversation with friends and family. In this way, the patient learns how he affects others and in which situations the effects are particularly evident. This can be very helpful in the healing process.
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