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A Normal Life With Anemia

Someone who suffers from anemia has too few red blood cells, which means that oxygen cannot be transported properly through the blood, since the hemoglobin in the red blood cells has to take care of this.
Anemia is also known as anemia and there are several possible causes. So it is not always an iron deficiency or a large blood loss as many think.

Possible causes of anemia

It may be that an iron deficiency causes your anemia, but this does not necessarily mean that you are not getting enough. In some cases, the body cannot absorb enough iron from your food, causing anemia despite your healthy diet. It is also possible that the red blood cells die too quickly, this can also have several reasons.

here are a number of chronic diseases and disorders that can cause anemia, certain medications, a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B12 can also be the cause, as can alcoholism and liver function disorders. Because there are so many different possible causes, a doctor will try to figure out what is causing your anemia. This is essential for proper treatment.

The treatment of anemia

If your anemia is caused by a deficiency of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12, for example, a different way of eating and possibly taking nutritional supplements will often be enough.

In the case of an illness, it will first be treated as well as possible so that it can no longer cause anemia. However, it is not always possible to treat a disease (quickly) and that is why sometimes only the symptoms of the anemia are treated by means of certain foods and medicines, for example.

The symptoms of anemia

The following symptoms may indicate anemia:

·         Headache

·         Fatigue

·         Weak feeling

·   Heart rhythm that is faster than normal (or palpitations)

·         shortness of breath

·         tinnitus

·         Dizziness

·         Sleeping feet

·         Cold hands and feet

It may also be that you have few or no symptoms, in which case it is difficult to diagnose.

Living a normal life with anemia, is that possible?

Depending on the severity of your anemia, you may or may not be able to go on with your life as if nothing were wrong. Many people feel a lot better when the treatment consists of nutritional supplements or eating certain foods. The complaints will then often disappear quickly.

However, there are cases in which the complaints do not disappear so quickly or even become chronic. It may indeed be the case that you can only stay awake for a few hours at a time and, for example, can no longer exercise or work. If your complaints do not go away, it is important to keep in touch with your doctor, who can adjust your treatment or give you tips to live as normal a life as possible.

Chronic anemia exists but is not very common. However, in this case, the patients often suffer from constant fatigue, are regularly dizzy and have other complaints that sometimes make daily life a bit difficult and adjustments are required.

Do you suffer from anemia and can you no longer do everything you could before? Then explain this to your family, friends, colleagues, your boss... Many people who have never had anemia will not understand why you feel so sick and weak while you look quite healthy. When you clearly explain to them your symptoms and how you feel, they can help you with daily tasks; possibly adjust your work schedule, help with the kids, the groceries etc. So don't be ashamed that you feel so tired and weak, this is the symptom of a condition you are trying to treat.


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