Monday 30 January 2023

Morning Recovery Van More Labs


The editors put a weekly spotlight on a product that can make your life better, easier, tastier or more beautiful. This week: Morning Recovery from More Labs.

Did you get up last weekend with a strong hangover and did you do nothing all day?

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Why Curvy Women Are Much More Intelligent

Many women strive for the ideal image of the slim woman who has the world at her feet. You often come across them in all kinds of advertisements and you also see them on the catwalk.

Still, it's time to embrace your curves. For example, women with curves are not only more intelligent, their children are also smarter.

Sunday 15 January 2023

Why A Good Nights Sleep Is Important For Diabetes Patients


Good quality sleep can do wonders for your health. For diabetic patients  , a good night's sleep would even lower sugar levels after breakfast.

In a study, scientist investigated the correlation between the duration, quality and timing of your sleep and blood sugar levels after a breakfast with a small or large amount of carbohydrates. This shows that poor sleep quality has a negative impact on the sugar level in your blood

Saturday 7 January 2023

Just Press The Pause Button: The Expert Explains The Benefits Of Meditating And How To Get Started

Just press the pause button: the expert explains the benefits of meditating and how to get started Hands of young beautiful woman practicing yoga indoors It has been proven that meditation can reduce stress.

That many complaints are caused by stress, too. And yet meditation is not prescribed as medicine. In fact, it is quickly seen as floaty or alternative. But is that right? We spoke with Jutta Borms, meditator, general practitioner and author of the books The new doctor and After the crash.

Thursday 5 January 2023

Meditate: This Is How You Do It!

Do you want to start meditating after reading this article ? General practitioner, author and experience expert Jutta Borms gives tips!

Monday 2 January 2023

Do We Need More Sleep In Winter Or Does It Just Seem That Way ? The Sleep Expert Explains

The amount of sleep we need does not depend on the seasons," says Theresa Schnorbach."However, certain factors associated with seasonal changes can contribute to a feeling of fatigue." 

According to Theresa Schnorbach, these are the main culprits:

Do Spices Help Against Illness?

First and foremost, spices refine the taste of food and drinks. But many are said to be able to prevent or cure illnesses. Is that correct?...