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Meditate: This Is How You Do It!

Do you want to start meditating after reading this article ? General practitioner, author and experience expert Jutta Borms gives tips!

The First Step Is To Make Yourself Comfortable

 Jutta Borms: 'Take off that tight sweater or grab a nice warm blanket. You get to know yourself quickly enough in that. For example, I don't mind background noises, for others it has to be as quiet as a mouse.'

Some People Like To Have Meditation Music With It

 Others prefer to be guided by a voice that calms them down. There are a lot of meditation music and guided meditations on Spotify. Choose a voice that feels good to you.”

You Can Lie Down , That’s The Easiest

 You can also sit on a chair. Then make sure your back is firmly against the backrest and your feet on the floor. Your neck should be an extension of your back and your crown should be directed towards the ceiling. So if possible, don't bend over or slump. Your legs, arms and hands are relaxed.”

Close Your Eyes And Let Your Thoughts Flows

 “Focus on a calm inhalation and exhalation. Count that as one. Without being distracted by your thoughts, try to breathe in and out and count to ten. Every time you have thoughts again, you go back to zero. At first you will only get to three or four before having to start over, but after a while you will easily go up to ten and beyond. Above all, be gentle with yourself: it takes some practice in the beginning.'

Don't Try To Change Position Unless You’re Really In A Lot Of Pain

 'Even with itching, a fly buzzing around you or discomfort: tolerating it is part of the exercise. Good luck!'


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