Why A Good Nights Sleep Is Important For Diabetes Patients


Good quality sleep can do wonders for your health. For diabetic patients  , a good night's sleep would even lower sugar levels after breakfast.

In a study, scientist investigated the correlation between the duration, quality and timing of your sleep and blood sugar levels after a breakfast with a small or large amount of carbohydrates. This shows that poor sleep quality has a negative impact on the sugar level in your blood

Find Your Sleep Rhythm

After a breakfast with a lot of carbohydrates and fats, the sugar level rose less when the length and quality of sleep were optimal. When there were deviations from the usual sleep schedule, the sugar content was found to be higher after breakfast. The hour at which you go to sleep can also have an influence.

It is therefore extra important for diabetic patients to ensure a healthy night's sleep. According to the study, the sugar level in your blood rises less after breakfast if you go to sleep on time and if you sleep well and for a sufficient length of time. In fact, a British study from 2021 shows that the risk of death is highest in diabetic patients with sleeping problems. So, in addition to exercise and a healthy diet, improved sleep quality is an important player in the prevention of diabetes.

Personalized Approach

It is therefore very important to make people, and especially diabetic patients, aware of the importance of good sleep. Things like specialist consultations, exercise, and sleep-tracking apps and tools can help better evaluate its quality. Although it is clear that a 'one size fits all' intervention does not work. In addition to general recommendations, a tailor-made approach is therefore also important


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