Exercises For An Upright Posture
Avoid Back Problems Through Simple Posture Exercises
With these few and very simple exercises for upright posture, you can strengthen your back, strengthen your musculoskeletal system and also look better because you are upright. Just 10-20 minutes on two to three days a week bring visible and, above all, noticeable results for the postural system. Back pain decreases and if you don't already have it, it doesn't even come up. First, while sitting, it's important to keep reminding yourself to hold yourself up. It's difficult at first because your muscles are weak. With the help of the exercises and over time, it will become easier and sooner or later you will automatically hold yourself straighter.
4 simple posture exercises
Exercise 1
Lie on your stomach, put your arms flat next to you and lift your upper body slightly off the floor, without letting your head tilt. Hold briefly, then repeat 20 times.
Exercise 2
You can do the second exercise while sitting. Sit upright on the edge of your chair, leaning forward slightly. Move your shoulder blades up and down 20 times, trying to slide them back and down. Then stretch your arms towards the ceiling while sitting. Your palms face each other. Slightly move your arms forwards and backwards until they stop. Also repeat 20 times.
Exercise 3
You can also train your pelvis while sitting: sit upright and move your pelvis back and forth, hollow back and back – about 20 times.
Exercise 4
To complement the posture exercises, an exercise for the abdominal muscles is also useful: Lie on your back, bend your legs and then slightly raise your legs and buttocks 20 times.
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