Fitness Online – Workout At Home

For several years now, it has been possible to complete various courses online, watch films and series online or hold company seminars with international participants via online platforms without having to leave your computer.This trend has many advantages and is therefore gradually being extended to other industries as well. Now the time has come that there are even online fitness studios. How does this new trend work?

Fitness Comes Via Streaming

Buy a DVD? Who else does that? At least in North America, DVDs are almost as outdated as music cassettes. The new trend is called streaming and it is so convenient. In Australia, where so many people live hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest gym, online fitness has been around since 2007.

Some providers of online fitness have long since established themselves in Europe and they are very popular. The principle is very simple: The provider puts a wide variety of fitness courses online and, depending on the subscription, members can watch different courses every day and take part in the workout at home, which is broadcast on the screen by professional coaches.

Pros And Cons Of Online Fitness

The advantages are obvious: You can train anytime and anywhere without having to leave the house. Problems with the Internet connection have long since become a rarity, even in our part of the world. The quality of the courses is usually very high, because the providers only hire the best coaches for their courses, which are broadcast around the world.

The selection is gigantic and you can try out all the trends of the summer and also just switch off or switch if you prefer to do Pilates instead of fit boxing. The disadvantage, of course, is that you cannot get individual comments and suggestions for improvement from the trainer in front of the television. In addition, some people consider it a disadvantage that the group lacks motivation. Others will rather enjoy having no one watching them train.
