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Salome's Seventh Veil(Fitness)

Men please click further, this item is only for the ladies. Today we're talking about one of the oldest, most beautiful and - quite frankly - sexiest sports known to mankind: belly dancing.
Artists have painted it thousands of times, singers use it for their music videos. The whole palette of strip tease, burlesque, snake and pole dancing has its roots here.
In its oldest, most primal form, Tom Robbins celebrates it in the bestseller Skinny Legs and All*, one of the best books ever written on the subject of men and women if you ask me. The German translation is entitled: "Salome's seventh veil*".

Older Than Yoga - But At Least As Effective 

Arriving in Europe via Egypt, belly dancing is probably a direct descendant of mankind's oldest dances. Today it is mainly designed to make men look sexy, but originally it was intended for the women themselves. Ditch the overly sexy, throw in the right music, and you have one of the most beautiful things to do with a woman's body.

Raqs Sharqi, the dance of the east, as it is called in Arabic, probably did not originate there, but can already be seen on old cave paintings. His flowing movements train every muscle, burn fat, create endurance and leave you with a wonderful body feeling. The women of Canaan danced it as a fertility ritual, but also as a specific form of muscle training to prepare for childbirth – pregnancy gymnastics in its oldest form. Incidentally, belly dancing also reduces the well-loved menstrual cramps. There are also yoga asanas for this trick, but honestly, belly dancing just feels better.

No Dance Workout

It is not training processes developed by sports scientists and experienced coaches that shape your body here, but movements that have been passed down over thousands of years. What you hear are neither the current hits of the pop stars nor inciting workout rhythms, but the sound of pure passion. Belly dancing is not a dance workout, it is an art, a way of life and pure enjoyment.


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