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Post-workout Headache – How Come?

Headache that occur immediately after exercise are a phenomenon that both competitive and amateur athletes are familiar with.It is not 100% clear where this headache comes from after exercising. However, there are theories and strategies to avoid post-workout headaches.

Headache After Exercise - Where Does It Come From ?

Medical professionals distinguish between headache that occur as a symptom of a disease secondary headaches and headaches that occur on their own primary or idiopathic headache. A primary headache is a migraine, for example. However, primary headaches can also occur as a result of physical exertion and these can be just as unpleasant and severe as a migraine attack.

Some sufferers complain of a headache lasting ten minutes, while in other patients the pain lasts up to two days. A typical headache after exercise is that it comes on suddenly and is more common in the heat or at high altitudes. The cause of such a headache has been proven to be exertion, although the physiological context and causes are not fully understood. The pain is probably related to the pressure that is exerted on the vessels in the head during heavy exertion.

Post-Exercise Headache Strategies

There are various strategies and home remedies to curb or prevent headaches after training. As a preventative measure, people who often experience headaches after exercising should drink a lot, not just during or after exercise, but also throughout the day before exercising. Painkillers should only be considered in emergencies. It often also helps to take a targeted rest break directly after exertion.

It is recommended to take a relaxing bath, drink orange juice or other juices containing vitamin C, inhale peppermint or eucalyptus aroma or drink an espresso with fresh lemon. In general, it can be said that stress and mental stress only worsen the situation and that those affected should avoid stress if possible. Quitting the sport is only the right strategy in particularly extreme cases. However, less intense exercise can also bring relief.


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