Are Vegans Healthier?

There are very different views on the vegan diet. The fact is that this form of nutrition has been gaining in popularity for several years and vegan products are playing an increasingly important role in our environment.The vegan diet not only offers obvious advantages for animal welfare and environmental protection, but also has a very positive effect on our health. But why exactly do vegans often live healthier?

Antioxidants And The Immune System 

The vegan diet is characterized by being very rich in antioxidants, minerals and phytochemicals. For example, if we manage to get as many antioxidants as possible through our food, we also strengthen the protection against body-damaging and disease-causing free radicals.

 These attack our immune system by stealing an electron from the immune cells or changing their RNA. This renders them useless or even potentially dangerous. The RNA, the ribonucleic acid, forms the basis of our genes.Through the increased supply of antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamin C, we can ensure a functioning hormone balance and an effective defense against pathogens. The most effective antioxidants are vitamin C and vitamin E. We can get these mainly from different types of fruit and vegetables. They directly support and promote the function of our immune system.

Another essential aspect for strengthening the body's defenses and fighting infections and diseases is an adequate intake of minerals and trace elements, the effects of which on the human body are often underestimated.conventional diet non-vegan diet is significantly richer in various minerals and trace elements.[i] For example, the trace element zinc increases the formation of white blood cells, which can fight infections and strengthen our immune system. We can get zinc from legumes, nuts, and whole grains.The mineral zinc has many properties and its uses range from fighting acne to strengthening the immune system. It is involved in regulating the hormone balance and plays a crucial role in the development of immune cells. Zinc is an extremely important trace element for the immune system.

Vegetables An Immune Booster?

Vegetables are essential for us because they contain numerous minerals and trace elements. For example, root or leafy vegetables, such as carrots or spinach, contain essential minerals that are essential for building structure and for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Minerals such as magnesium or iron promote blood circulation and the transport of nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream. Minerals such as calcium ensure high bone strength and are also very important for the formation of hair, fingernails and skin. Therefore, it is important to include root vegetables and leafy greens in your diet on a regular basis.

Vegan Diet and Digestion

The vegan diet often has a significantly higher fiber content than a conventional non-vegan diet. Dietary fiber is only found in plant foods and is important for good digestion and also promotes our intestinal microbiome. The gut microbiome is made up of billions of bacteria, which are very important for the utilization of nutrients and for the general breakdown and utilization of our food.

Our immune system is largely dependent on our gut health. A very meat-heavy diet can negatively affect our digestion and promote inflammatory diseases in our body.means of the vegan diet basically have a very balanced acid-base ratio.A meat-heavy diet, on the other hand, is very acidic and can therefore also have a negative effect on the body's acid-base ratio. The body's acid-base ratio is in turn crucial for the health of our intestines and thus also for our immune system and metabolism.

Secondary Plant Substances And Their Potential 

The vegan diet is usually rich in secondary plant substances. The secondary plant substances are mainly found in fruits and various types of vegetables.There are around 30,000 phytochemicals in total, of which around 10,000 are found in edible plants and the remaining 20,000 in non-edible plants. These include some antioxidants, but also components such as carotenoids, indoles, flavonoids or allyl sulfides. All of these substances have diverse and positive effects on the human organism, such as the regulation and production of hormones, through to the prevention and control of heart disease, aging processes or inflammatory diseases.

The edible carotenoids are found in high concentrations in fruits such as B. bananas, mangoes and plums, in yellow-red vegetables such as carrots and peppers, and in green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. The carotenoids have the property of neutralizing free radicals particularly effectively.

The secondary plant substances ensure a balanced blood sugar level and at the same time reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. In addition, they affect blood pressure and can facilitate the processing and absorption of nutrients.The three food components vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals are the pillars of a healthy and balanced diet.

Know About Vegan Nutrition 

The vegan diet can offer health benefits to us for a number of reasons. In contrast, a diet high in animal products can have a negative impact on health over the long term.

In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified industrially produced meat as carcinogenic - on the basis that there are sufficient studies and evidence to make this classification. Red beef or pork has also been classified as a carcinogen. It therefore belongs to group 2A, carcinogenic foods.There are numerous studies on the subject of vegan nutrition and health. It is important that these were carried out as representatively as possible and by well-known institutions.

Cow's milk is also increasingly suspected of promoting the development of cancer. Both prostate cancer, ovarian cancer and breast cancer can be promoted by the consumption of milk.Another scientific study found that the risk of developing breast cancer can be increased by up to 30% if women consume cow's milk every day . For men, daily consumption of milk can increase the incidence of prostate cancer by up to 9%. [vii

A vegan diet has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. According to an English study, the likelihood of cardiovascular disease occurring can be reduced by up to 57% with a vegan diet compared to people who eat meat. The study showed that with a higher daily consumption of animal foods, the level of LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream increased continuously. A high level of LDL cholesterol in the body is directly related to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Diabetes is a widespread disease in western industrialized countries. It is often associated with an unhealthy diet or one that is particularly high in fat and sugar. According to recent results, whether a person eats a non-vegan or vegan diet can have a significant impact on their state of health.A study from Oxford showed that people who ate 70 grams of red meat a day had a 30% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This Oxford study involved 474,000 people.[ix]

It can be concluded that the vegan diet can offer many health benefits. With a vegan diet, it is also very important to use foods that are as unprocessed and fresh as possible. The vegan diet can have a very preventive effect on classic widespread diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases and at the same time strengthen our immune system.


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