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Care Tips And Health Benefits With Herbs (part-1)

There are few plants that have as many good properties as herbs. Mainly, of course, we grow them for the luxury of being able to use them fresh in cooking. But you also want herbs because they smell amazingly good, they look good in both pots and flower beds, and several of them have health-promoting properties.

Spices are also incredibly grateful and easy to care for, regardless of whether you have a large garden, a small patio or perhaps just a balcony, and they can give a nice harvest even on the small surface.

Spices, of course, taste best when they are completely freshly picked and fresh, but often you get such an abundance of spices during the summer months that you can't possibly have time to get rid of them all. Then it's nice to save some of the summer's enjoyment for the coming autumn and winter.

You can make harvested spices throughout the season, but they usually taste a little better if you harvest them before they have started to flower. But feel free to let some of your spices 1bloom anyway, because flowering spices are really attractive and important to many pollinators such as butterflies, bumblebees and bees.

Caring For Herbs: 10 Care Tips

  1. Many herbs have their origins in warmer latitudes and therefore thrive best in a sunny and warm place.
  2. Be sparing with the watering as spices do not like too wet soil. Water only when they have dried up properly.
  3. Be careful with the fertilization, too much fertilizer can cause them to grow too much and thus lose much of their aromas.
  4. Herbs do not have great demands on the soil, but they prefer well-drained and porous soil.
  5. It is perfectly possible to grow spices in pots, they do not need a lot of space to grow well. Herbs in pots need to be watered a little more often than those that grow outdoors.
  6. Remember that the spice pot must have holes in the bottom so that excess water can drain out.
  7. If you have bought spices at the grocery store, you can lput what was left in a larger pot with more soil, often they will continue to grow and you can harvest more from the plant.
  8. Do not cut down overwintering spices in autumn, then they will have less protection against the cold. If they are planted in slightly exposed locations, you can cover them during the winter months.
  9. Herb shears are good to have on hand when harvesting herbs as their stems are often tough and hard.
  10. Harvest the spices throughout the season, many varieties also do better with a little tending from time to time. Basil that has heavy leaves does well if these are harvested so that new leaves have the opportunity to develop. Spices such as thyme and rosemary branch out beautifully if you start to cut them early in the growth.

Choose The Right Spices To Grow

A very good, useful and popular spice. It is very sensitive to frost and only thrives where it is really warm and protected. Basil is invigorating and is considered to relieve depression and exhaustion. It also promotes digestion. In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, basil is widely used for its antiseptic properties.

You can treat coughs and throat infections with basil tea and the leaves can be used against warts. Keep in mind that the good taste of basil disappears when heated, so it should be added at the end of cooking or used in cold dishes.


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