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Cobalt: The Trace Element For Health

Our body needs numerous vitamins and trace elements in order to be able to maintain the vital functions in our health. Although cobalt is not an independent trace element, it is a component of vitamin B12.
If you eat enough foods that contain vitamin B12, you will automatically be supplied with enough cobalt.But what exactly can cobalt do in the body and what is the component good for?

What Exactly Is Cobalt?

Named heavy metal from the iron group. It is found in small amounts in the human body. It is mainly detectable in the liver, kidneys and bone marrow. But the important component of vitamin B12 can also be detected in the pancreas and in the spleen.

If you suffer from a cobalt deficiency, deficiency symptoms can appear. Cobalt deficiency is always associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency. The daily requirement for people over the age of 13 is around 4 micrograms of vitamin B12. Nursing mothers and pregnant women need a little more.Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal products such as fish, meat, fish, offal and dairy products.

Bodily Functions and Cobalt

As a central component of vitamin B12, cobalt plays a crucial role. Vitamin B12 not only contributes to a normal metabolism, but is also important for your psyche and the nervous system.Without cobalt, our body could only achieve limited emotional and nervous performance. This means that fatigue would quickly set in. Exactly this fatigue can also be a sign of a deficiency of cobalt.

Cobalt also makes an important contribution to cell division. Vitamin B12 is also responsible for the formation of red blood cells and for a functioning immune system.

Cobalt Deficiency And The Signs

If your body does not get enough cobalt vitamin B12, a cobalt deficiency occurs. This is mostly due to malnutrition.In this country, a lack of cobalt is very rare, since most of us can absorb enough vitamin B12 through food. However, certain diseases or a vegan diet can also lead to a deficiency in our latitudes.

In the case of a slight deficiency, there are mostly no symptoms. Only a severe deficiency causes symptoms such as paleness, tiredness, memory problems and paraesthesia.It is practically impossible to overdose on vitamin B12 through diet. High doses of cobalt can only be ingested through dietary supplements.If you eat a balanced diet, you don't have to worry about a cobalt deficiency.


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