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Fascia Roll - Training Against Pain

Dagmar Training the connective tissue with the fascia roller is on everyone's lips at the moment. Many fitness studios offer such training, which is intended to prevent pain and loosen up the connective tissue. Experts discuss the topic controversially. 

What is certain, however, is that fascia training as a supplement to muscle training can bring about decisive improvements in the areas of the back, neck and muscles in general.

Fight The Pain With The Fascia Roller

 If the pain isn't coming from the muscles or bones, then sticky fascial tissue may be causing pain. In order to make the connective tissue supple and to keep it supple, training with the foam roller is the best strategy to combat complaints and prevent them in the future. The fascia surrounds every muscle in the body and therefore can cause problems in different parts of the body. Therefore, training with the fascia roller is designed in such a way that very different areas of the body and muscle strands are used. Although the fasciae are very stable, they can still be overloaded, which happens mainly through one-sided stress and incorrect posture. They stick together and are therefore no longer optimally functional, which in turn can lead to complaints. With targeted fascia training, these adhesions are loosened and loosened and the tissue becomes mobile again. Bonded fascia can be the cause of lifestyle diseases such as back and neck pain.

Training With Foam Rollers

Training with foam rollers is not particularly sweaty. It goes deeper and requires concentration. The movements are performed slowly and carefully. There are parallels to Yoga and Qi Gong, as well as other Asian training methods. Breathing should be consciously controlled when performing the exercises with the roller, so it makes sense to take courses in fitness studios to receive specific instructions from a trainer on how the fascia exercises must be carried out in order to be effective. The aim of the exercises is to increase the elasticity, suppleness and mobility of the fascia, which ultimately has a positive effect on the individual muscle strands. Functioning fascia ensures that muscles are relieved, which move more easily and also cause less pain in turn. After you have learned the basics of fascia training from an expert teacher and you know what to look out for, you can continue practicing with your own roll at home. At least 10 minutes of training should be completed three to five times a week in order to achieve a lasting effect


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