The Way To a better posture

That posture has an effect on a person's demeanor and appearance is one aspect. But posture also contributes a lot to back and spine health. 

Many common ailments in this area can be avoided or alleviated simply by adopting a better and more upright posture. Poor posture can cause back pain and headaches. It is quite easy to do something about incorrect posture.

Posture Improvement  Methods

An easy way to keep reminding yourself to improve your posture is to imagine a string or rod extending from your spine perpendicular to the ceiling. Keep looking in the mirror and, if necessary, use your smartphone to remind yourself of your posture every 15 or 30 minutes with a small noise. 

At first you will get a fright because you will realize that with every chime you are sitting in the office chair like a hunched mother. But over time, your posture will improve. It's basically a question of habit. When walking, it is helpful to imagine you have to balance a book or other object on your head. This helps to maintain an upright posture.

 Tips To Prevent Incorrect Posture 

Every once in a while, think about your parents or teachers who kept telling you to sit up straight. You were actually right. If you don't have an ergonomically designed office chair, a cushion can help combat poor posture.

 It's also a good idea to always keep your back aligned with the backrest, even when you're not leaning against it. Feet should be on the floor or resting on a stool. The screen should be positioned so that you don't have to tilt your head to look at it. The elbows should be at an angle of about 90 degrees to guarantee an ideal posture. It is also advised to get up from time to time, stretch and walk a few steps - of course also in an upright position


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