Therapeutic Fasting – This Is How You Get Your Body Going

Abstaining from solid food for a few days or up to 30 days or longer causes aversion in many people. But it is extremely healthy and the whole thing is called therapeutic fasting .

 During therapeutic fasting, the body switches over because during this period its nutrition comes from the body's own food depot. These reserves are available more quickly than the food consumed.

Therapeutic fasting also includes intestinal cleansing, because fasting is more relaxed with an empty intestine. It is not without reason that there are people who repeatedly practice therapeutic fasting .

In the past, when supplies ran low, it was common practice to scale back one's own claims. Seen in this way, therapeutic fasting has a centuries-long tradition, which was carried out by the fasting doctor Dr. Buchinger became popular again. He is considered to be the founder of today's therapeutic fasting. He was once plagued by severe rheumatic diseases. The internist and scientist underwent a fasting cure and thus experienced the self-healing powers of fasting firsthand.

What Is Therapeutic Fasting About ?

Therapeutic fasting is not primarily about losing weight, although fasting does make excess pounds disappear. Fasting is a profound process that changes the body and mind. Because when fasting, physical and spiritual cleansing takes place. Therapeutic fasting can work real miracles because it activates the metabolism and mobilizes strength and performance at the same time. So that the inner self-healing powers can become active.

All beginnings are difficult, but also exciting Water, fruit juice, tea sweetened with honey and warm vegetable broth, but no solid food - that's not for everyone. For many people, therapeutic fasting means conquering their inner weaker self. And if you do give your heart a push, don't be discouraged by lulls. While dizziness or headaches may occur in the first few days, after a few days some can literally tear up trees. During therapeutic fasting, the body frees itself of all harmful substances. Slag and toxins are eliminated and blockages are released - and you feel like you're on cloud nine.

These Are The Rules For Therapeutic Fasting

First and foremost, fasting people have to drink a lot, but no alcohol and coffee. Solid food, meat, sugar, sweets and salt are also taboo. Long walks, yoga and meditation are beneficial. This is easy to cope with, given the many advantages.

Therapeutic fasting – general overhaul for the body With therapeutic fasting one achieves many positive benefits. Because therapeutic fasting:

  • Regulates metabolism
  • Improves intestinal function
  • Increases well-being and lifts mood
  • Gets the brain going
  • Drains and purifies
  • Relieves the load on the support elements
  • Tightens the skin

Alleviates Chronic Diseases 

People with health problems and chronic ailments should do fasting regularly. You can do this at home, but you should always consult a doctor first.Anyone who takes a break for therapeutic fasting can do a therapeutic fasting cure for a few days in a clinic.

This is where therapeutic fasting can have a particularly intensive and lasting effect. Plus, it's a lot more fun in a group of like-minded people. At the end of the inner cleansing you will feel dazzling and reborn.


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