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Fasting Cures At A Glance: From Buchinger To Whey Fasting

People have been fasting for many centuries. There is fasting in the Bible, the fasting month of Ramadan in Islam and numerous health trends such as therapeutic fasting, alkaline fasting and many more.

We will give you an overview of the different fasting cures and explain which cure is suitable for whom.

Because Of Zero Diet

Well, it's at least half the truth. In fact, you do without certain things when fasting, but it is not always a complete zero diet.And in the end, the renunciation should even be more than worthwhile, if we experts are allowed to believe. Fasting is said to bring increased vitality, fewer love handles and a whole new attitude towards life.

What Does Fasting Bring Me?

Before we get to the overview of the individual types of fasting, we would like to explain to you why people fast at all.Is there really something to the myth of the completely new consciousness and body feeling or does it fall into the category of advertising promises? Not really, because fasting actually does a lot.

Of course, it will most likely be the case that you will lose weight during the treatment because the body has to quickly use its own fat reserves without regular or very reduced food intake. However, there are completely different effects on the body that are triggered by fasting.After a short phase of increased metabolic activity, a real anti-stress effect occurs. The blood flows better and the heart and circulation are relieved. Little by little, the entire organism is protected and can provide you with more energy.

In plain language, this means that it is no longer busy with digestion all the time and instead gives you a portion of energy for your physical and mental activities. That's nice. And if you don't constantly think about what you have to cook today, you also get a free time bonus.

Seriously: Fasting requires willpower and discipline, especially at the beginning, but it gives you a new body feeling, relieves the strain on the organism and trains you to be more mindful of yourself. Very strict and longer fasting regimens should still be supervised by a doctor or at least discussed in detail with the doctor in advance.

Fasting According To Hildegard Von Bingen

Hildegard von Bingen not only knew the natural active ingredients of our local plants, but also developed her own fasting cure. The focus here was neither purification nor detoxification, but inner contemplation, which according to their assumption has a significant share in inner healing.It starts with a preparation day where you only eat light food. This is followed by days with reduced, but not completely eliminated, food.

The fasting regimen according to Hildegard von Bingen allows around 800 calories a day. These should be filled primarily with vegetable broth with spelled meal, fresh herbs and steamed apples.The duration can be determined by yourself; individual fasting days according to Hildegard of Bingen are also possible. This fasting cure is particularly recommended for people who want to regain their inner balance.

Therapeutic Fasting According To Buchinger

One of the classic types of fasting comes from the German physician Dr. Otto Buchinger, who opened the first spa facility for therapeutic fasting around 100 years ago.At Buchinger, only liquid foods are now permitted, specifically vegetable broth, vegetable or fruit juices and herbal teas. A Buchinger fasting day has just 250 to 500 calories and is therefore usually not offered on its own, but with medical support in special fasting clinics.

This cure lasts about five days and ends with the so-called breaking of the fast, when solid food in the form of an apple is on the agenda for the first time.This classic therapeutic fasting cure according to Buchinger sounds full of deprivation, but is said to have an extremely positive effect on general well-being and suffering from rheumatism to migraines.

Alkaline Fasting

A fasting regimen where eating is allowed – sounds like the ideal beginner tip, right? In fact, alkaline fasting is not fasting in the classic sense, but it calls for more mindfulness in dealing with our bodies.The basic principle is the following: Foods are either acidic or alkaline and if you eat too many acidic foods, your body becomes acidic. Which in turn can lead to classic symptoms such as fatigue, headaches but also illnesses such as gout.

Alkaline fasting according to Drs. Sabine and Andreas Wacker aims to restore the balance between acids and bases by consciously avoiding acidic foods.Vegetables are allowed here, from eggplant to fennel and cucumber to sugar snap peas. However, acidic foods such as meat, cheese and most nuts are excluded.

The treatment is possible over a few days to a week and is intended to provide relief from symptoms, especially for allergy sufferers and people who suffer from neurodermatitis.With a duration of up to three weeks, this cure is one of the longer fasting cures and is particularly suitable for people who suffer from digestive problems.

Whey Fasting

Especially well-known in spas, whey fasting is one of the cures that are based exclusively on fluid intake.You can drink a lot, especially whey, but also still water, fruit juice or sauerkraut juice.

In total, it should be around three to four liters of liquid, including one liter of whey, that you consume every day. Nothing is eaten during the fasting cure.The target group of this fasting method are people with sluggish intestines or skin problems, the duration is variable, individual whey days are also conceivable.


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Fasting Cures At A Glance: From Buchinger To Whey Fasting

People have been fasting for many centuries. There is fasting in the Bible, the fasting month of Ramadan in Islam and numerous health trends such as therapeutic fasting, alkaline fasting and many more. We will give you an overview of the different fasting cures and explain which cure is suitable for whom.