Do Spices Help Against Illness?

First and foremost, spices refine the taste of food and drinks. But many are said to be able to prevent or cure illnesses.

Is that correct? Scientists have grappled with this question.

Use In Small Quantities

Researchers agree that spices should always be used in small quantities to achieve a positive effect on health.In higher doses, some are intoxicating, such as nutmeg, and others are even deadly. This includes saffron, which is particularly popular in Asian dishes.

The Health-promoting Effect Is Based On The Mix Of Active Ingredients

The fact that spices actually make a positive contribution to preventing and combating diseases is due to the individual mixture of active ingredients. 

Actually, the plants from which the spices are extracted are only concerned about their own protection. They want to ward off predators, viruses, fungi or other pests. Essential oils, fragrances and flavorings as well as bitter substances are helpful. It is precisely these ingredients that also have an effect in the human organism.This is how essential oils, fragrances and flavorings as well as bitter substances work.

Essential oils are soluble organic substances that can be obtained, among other things, through steam distillation. Their germicidal effect makes plants more resistant to invaders. In medicine they play a role in the internal and external treatment of diseases.

Fragrances and flavorings are components of essential oils. In nature they serve as a means of transporting signals between each other. They trigger various reactions in the human brain. They can calm or stimulate and, for example, regulate blood pressure or influence mood. They are used in medicine and in the wellness sector, among other things, as inhalations.

Thanks to their bitter substances, many plants are inedible for pests. The human body benefits from them by responding with increased production of digestive juices and better blood circulation. Bitter substances are also able to kill bacteria and other pathogens.

The Most Important Healing Spices


Cloves contain essential oils and the main ingredient is clove oil. These have a high proportion of antioxidants.Natural medicine uses cloves or clove oil against bacteria, other pathogens and inflammation. They can be used internally and externally. Decades ago, people knew that cloves helped against toothache and inflammation of the stomach lining.

Hot Spices

Hot spices like pepper stimulate blood circulation. They stimulate circulation and have a warming effect. This is due to the mix of essential oils and piperine or other pungent substances.When diluted on the skin, they relieve back pain. Dissolved together with other spices in hot milk or hot water, they are effective against colds and fever.


Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde  as well as tannins, blood-thinning ingredients and zinc. The spice lowers blood pressure and helps with stomach problems and diarrhea.


Cardamom, also known from oriental cuisine, contains linolenic acids, cineole and terpineol. The active ingredient camphor is effective against pain.Cardamom is taken for complaints in the mouth and throat and helps against flatulence and digestive problems.


Turmeric is also important in natural medicine. The spice helps against colds, for example in golden milk.

Spice Up Your Life!

The conclusion of the scientific studies is that spices can prevent, alleviate or cure health problems.A new finding is that isolated active ingredients are less effective than the mixture of active ingredients contained in the respective spice, which is why it makes sense to always purchase spices of high quality and to prefer them to industrial active ingredient preparations.

If possible, spices should be included in your diet every day.By the way, research has shown that to prevent or eliminate diseases, it is not necessary to use just one spice on its own. Spice mixtures like those contained in curry powder have multiple healing effects.


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