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These Foods Cause Sweating

There are many different reasons why you sometimes sweat more and sometimes less. For example, while there are some foods that make you sweat less, there are also foods that can result in outright sweats.

This is because your body temperature rises when you eat food. This initiates cooling processes in the body, which results in a corresponding amount of sweat. In this respect, you can do a lot to counteract excessive sweating by simply avoiding these foods.

Spicy Food Causes Sweating

Spicy foods and spices in particular cause you to sweat more. This mainly includes hot spices such as pepper, chili peppers, chili peppers, mustard and curry.

It is interesting to know that it is completely normal for increased sweating to occur when consumed. This is due to the mustard oils it contains, which are also found in wasabi, mustard and horseradish, among other things.

These foods and spices cause sweating by irritating certain nerve endings. Exactly those that cause pain impulses when the heat is appropriate. In this respect, the heat is mistakenly perceived by the body as heat and initiates processes that would otherwise only be initiated when it is very warm: for example, increased blood flow, which results in dilation of the vessels and a higher heart rate. To compensate for this, our body produces sweat.

Salty Foods

Salt can also cause sweating after eating. Salt is sodium chloride. Sodium fulfills vital tasks in the human body - for example with regard to the function of nerves and muscles. In addition, the task of sodium ions is to regulate the fluid balance in the body.

Now the fact is that consumption ensures that the brain and sweat glands “communicate” more. In this respect, a diet that contains too much salt can lead to increased stimulation of the autonomic nervous system. This also causes the sweat glands to work harder. In addition, salts are also excreted when you sweat.

However, this is not a problem because there is a balance in the body as long as you consume neither too much nor too little salt.


The body produces more sweat, especially when eating very fatty meat.This is because digesting meat that is particularly high in fat is quite “strenuous” for the body. The energy used causes your body temperature to rise, which means you sweat more. This is less likely to be the case with meat with little fat, such as poultry.

Drinks Cause Increased Sweating?

What sounds a bit paradoxical at first is actually a fact: certain drinks can stimulate the body's sweat production. These include, for example, alcoholic drinks, but also coffee and other drinks that cont.This is due to increased blood pressure, a higher heart rate and increased blood flow.

Fast Food

Fast food is, so to speak, the “worst case scenario” when it comes to sweating after eating it.

This is because the foods meet pretty much all the necessary criteria for increased sweating, as they often contain a lot of salt, fat, spices and meat.


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