
Showing posts from March, 2023

Escape From Stress With Autogenic Training

With all the comforts of our modern society, however, there are also some negative aspects. This certainly includes the stress that inevitably spreads in everyday life for most people. Time pressure and too much stress are increasingly leading to health impairments ranging from slight headaches and mental stress to burnout syndrome. But small amounts of negative stress can impair our zest for life and quality of life. Therefore, less stress is always desirable. A good way to combat stress is autogenic tra`ining. With Autogenic Training Against Too Much Stres

MIn This Way , Burnout Can Be Prevented In Good Time

A burnout syndrome is not an illness that comes out of the blue. The signs can be seen early and it is possible to prevent collapse if the onset of the disease is caught early enough.The burnout syndrome, which culminates in a state of complete exhaustion, usually develops over many years. Burnout And It's Symptoms   Stress is a major contributor to burnout . This occurs either at work or in private life and is increasingly perceived as a burden. Patients have ever higher expectations of themselves and feel bad when they cannot live up to them. Not everyone who feels stressed at times has to be followed by a breakdown.

Stress Makes You Fat. But how?

A lot of stress means a lot of kilos. But what exactly does stress-related weight gain look like: do you eat worse when you're under pressure? Do you maybe have less time per meal and just gobble something up?That probably plays a role for some people. But a recent experiment showed that even if you eat the same diet, stress makes you fat. Metabolism is to blame. Mice In The Stress Test     A group of researchers at the University of Minnesota published an interesting experimental result in 2016. The biologists had stressed male mice and measured the activity of various genes in the animals. The result: In contrast to their relaxed conspecifics, the stress mice changed their sugar balance - with the same amount of food.

Training With A Herniated Disc: What To Look Out For

The herniated disc is one of the most unpleasant diseases in the spinal column area. Movement is restricted and the pain is often severe. Nevertheless, and precisely because of this, sport must not be dispensed with. With the right training, the spine is re-stabilized. Anyone who experiences the radiant pain during an acute herniated disc will hardly be able to think about sport. If the intervertebral disc presses into the spinal canal, it is often not only the back that is affected, but also the legs and arms. Under no circumstances should you train in this constellation. Seeing a doctor and resting the body is a priority.